Chasing the perfect cushion

Chris and Jordan run a popular photography channel, where they review camera gears for The two are a laugh riot, and a lot of people like me follow the channel just for the laughs. (Too poor to buy the gear, anyway !!)

On a particular episode, they were reviewing a Leica Q2 Monochrom camera (‘which shoots only black and white pictures’, for the not-nerds),

Chris quips, “Nobody is going to argue about color science in the comments. It’s black, it’s uniform, everyone’s happy”.

Jordan replies “They are just going to argue about the noise pattern in the images. You can’t win” :D

I live in the tropics, and I hate how hot it gets here. Summer come, and all I could think would be to escape to a colder haven. How perfect, would that be?

Well, I did escape this summer.

After spending a week in cold cold weather, I was eagerly looking to get back to the hot weather I’m used to.

I realized that I’m a lot more comfortable living with an air conditioner in hot weather, rather than living with layers of clothes and a heater in cold weather.

When I started delving deeper into Buddhism, during the early days of pandemic, I realized that I am not comfortable sitting in the lotus position on a flat floor and needed a cushion.

And my search for a perfect cushion began.

Months passed and I was yet to find ‘the’ perfect cushion. I spent a significant amount of time reading cushion reviews on Amazon.

One day, I was revisiting some old instruction videos, and I found this gem. In the instructor’s words

“Do get a comfortable cushion, as it will greatly benefit your practice. But do not spend too much time, searching for a perfect cushion…..

……because it doesn’t exist”

We spend a lot of time chasing perfection. And we end up finding,

Half the time, It is not perfect as we thought it would be.

And rest of the times, It just raises the bar for how we define perfection.

There really is no perfect cushion !

Cover Image: Photo by Maksim Goncharenok: